
Wednesday, August 25, 2010


I am including today an excerpt from a book that I am reading right now called Season of Life by Jeffrey Marx. It is a book written about Joe Ehrmann, a once Indianapolis Colts player, high school football coach, ordained minister, and philanthropist. Joe Ehrmann attended a 'seminar' type setting to come and speak to our local JFL team--What an honor!!!

This excerpt is referring to a football team that is being co-coached by Francis "Biff" Poggi and Joe Ehrmann. They are adressing the boys on the first day of practice. I find this excerpt a lesson that each one of us can learn from and/or teach our kids:

For one thing, they would make an impact by being inclusive rathan than exclusive.
"The rest of the world will alwyas try to separate you," Biff said. "That's almost a law of nature - gonna happen no matter what, right? The rest of the world will want to separate you by race, by socioeconomic status, by education levels, by religion, by neighborhood, by what kind of car you drive, by the clothes you wear, by athletic ability. You name it - always gonna be people who want to separate by that stuff. Well, if you let that happen now, then you'll let it happen later. Don't let it happen. If you're one of us, then you won't walk around putting people in boxes. Not now. Not ever. Because every single one of them has somehting to offer. Every sinlge one of them is special. "
Biff said, "We are a program of inclusion. We do not believe in separation."
The boys would make also make in impact by breaking down cliques and stereotypes, by developing empathy and kindness for all.
"What's empathy?" Biff asked them. "Feeling what?" "Feeling what the other person feels," said senior captain, a small but solid wide receiver and hard-hitting defeinsive back who had already accepted a scholarship to play college football.
"Exactly right," Biff said. "Not feeling for someone, but with someone. If you can put yourself in another man's shoes, that's a great gift to have for a lifetime."

What a great lesson??? Biff goes on to say that no one -team mate or not - should eat lunch by themselves, they should go get him and ALWAYS make him feel wanted, make him feel special.

How else would the boys make an impact?
By living with integrity...and not only when it is convenient to do so. Always.
By seeking justice...because it is often hidden.
By encouraging the oppressed...because they are always discouraged.
Ultimately, Biff said, the boys would make the greatest overall impact on the world - would bring the most love and grace and healing to the people - by constanlty basing their thoughts and actions on one simple question: What can I do for you??

He goes on to state that it is not about how much money you make, how big your house is, what I can do to get more power/authority/job title...the only question that really matters is: How can I help you today??

I think this is a lesson long forgotten by parents today. Teaching our kids to be selfless is almost impossible when our society teaches adults and kids alike to 'look out for yourself'. I challenge you today to find ways to selflessly help someone else today just because.

Friday, August 20, 2010

football- "He's Only a Boy"

As we embark on our second game of the last JFL season we will see....I remember a poem that my sister-in-law wrote back in 1991.  She watched my husband play several years of JFL and then high school.  She has a great perspective on being a football fan and parent.  Hope that you enjoy this....

He is Only a Boy

Don't curse the boy down there.
He is my son, you see.
He's only just a boy you know.
He means a lot to me.

I did not raise my son, dear fan, for you to call him names.
He may not be a super star,
It's just a Junior Football League game.

So please don't curse those boys down there.
They do the best they can.
They never tied to lose a game,
They're boys and you're a man.

The game belongs to them, you see,
Your are just a guest.
They don't need a fan like you.
They need the very best.

If you have nothing nice to say,
please leave the boys alone.
And if you have no manners,
Why don't you stay at home??

So please don't curse those boys down there.
Each one's his parent's son.
Win or lose or tie, you see,
To us they're number one.

Friday, August 13, 2010

responses...a choice or reaction???

I have worked very hard to teach my kids a 'cooler' response to each other.  Somedays a cake walk and other days???  Not successful.  I keep reminding them that the walls they build today (or tear down today) may be the very walls they will need as they get older.  It has been said many time before that Rome was not built in a day, but has anyone stopped to ask that person if Rome was destroyed in a day???  Well most of us know the answer to that question.  But...let's apply this 'idea' to an everyday situation.  Can relationship walls be destroyed in a day???  In a hour???  In a minute??  ABSOLUTELY!!

So why do we risk the very city that we are choosing to tear down?  Being 1 of 5 children growing up, I see now how (younger) family dynamics can (and usually do) dictate how the (older) family will procede.  Even scarier than that???  What about the next generation of a 'younger family' - how will they procede???  Just as functional or dysfunctional??  Again I go back to my original question - responses... a choice or reaction??  So here is the good news: ( as I mentioned in an early post) WE ARE A NEW CREATION IN CHRIST.  That is how the walls that were tore down can be built back up.  WE have HOPE and a PROMISE!!! How reassuring that destruction does not have to be permanent.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


I have noticed lately an abundance of butterflies.  God has reminded me with each one that I am a new creation.  I have seen a lot of yellow butterflies.  I find that detail even more interesting b/c the color yellow/gold  is symbolic of God's presence.  When you are sitting around, whether alone or in a group, and a yellow/gold butterfly flies by ~ God's presence with a hint of a new creation.  WOW....and some people say that God is not concerned with showing himself to us.  REALLY????  If only God's creation was the only thing he revealed to us, wouldn't that be enough???  Wouldn't it be enough with how each creature is made to overwelm our senses with awe???  When you think of a bumble bee, for instance, too heavy, according to science, to fly with their wings and yet they do it everyday???  Because that is what they were designed to do....  What were you made (or designed) to do???  Are you doing it???  Are you holding up your end of the deal by being that new creation???  Doing exactly what you were designed to do???  I have wasted lots of time in my life, but my new creature was designed to not waste time.  I am breathing in God's creation more and more everyday AND really enjoying it. 

Sunday, August 1, 2010


Charles Stanley prints out a free magazine and in the latest issue of the In Touch magazine....this month he wrote a lot about forgiveness and joy.  He makes an amazing point....he asks why do people 'choose' to not forgive???  How does someone forgive??  If we are commanded to forgive then why isn't there clear instruction on how to forgive??  There is clear instruction~~ Love your neighbor as yourself!!!  So I am sitting her asking myself do I??  No, I am not referring to loving my physical I loving to those who are close to me whether it is physical location, relationships, family knit, etc???  Have I been an example of God' true and holy love??  There is more to the article that Charles Stanley wrote stating that sometimes the hurt that has caused the unforgiveness can be deeper than we can 'forgive', but with God's help and renewing of our mind 'We can do all things thru Christ that STRENGTHENS us' (Phil 4:13).  If I am going to remain true to the title of my blog then I have to be real with you and myself.  My unforgiveness is becoming larger than myself...  So each time ( many times as I can remind myself) I remind myself to take captive every unwholesom thought in regards to my unforgiveness.  Am I successful??? Mostly.

Dear Father God, help me to continue becoming more like you.  Strengthen me to be a soldier in your army.  Discipline because you love me.  Love me because your my Heavenly Father that wants the best for your child. Refine me to a purer gold that is fit for My King.  Purify me to sit in your presence.  Build in me a new heart that desires only things that glorify you.  Stop my tongue and quicken my heart to compassion and forgiveness.  Give me wisdom.  Allow me guidance.  Accept me.  Forgive me.  Let me be salt and light in this world that needs you more than anything.  I want to be used by you.  Father my heart is open-heavy-but open...the work of your kingdom is good for the heavy in heart.  I love you and I trust you.  Amen. 

splitting your heart, splitting your time....

Do you ever feel like your splitting your time???  Splitting your time between school and kids??  kids and their schedule??  their schedule and your time with your husband??  homeschooling and your husband??? homeschooling and enjoying your kids?? homeschooling and your kids' schedule??  work and family???   your boss and your husband???

What ever is forcing you to decide between one thing or another--what value is it?? What eternal value does it have?? If you are lucky enough to be at home, have you wondered what it would be like to go back in to the work force??  What will going back into the work force do?

If your children are in public school and your heart is tugging you to homeschool, what is holding you back???  I have learned in my life that the thing that holds me back the most is PRIDE.  Yep, there I said it-PRIDE.   I can do it all-all the time!!! Can you?? When do you break and say I can't do it?  What makes that happen???  Maybe today you need to take a few moments to stop and ask yourself how much am I doing because you want to accomplish it?, how am I doing in my own strength?, how much am I doing with God's help?, how much am I doing without ransoming my family?