
Thursday, August 28, 2014

Seek justice, love mercy, walk humbly with thy God

He hath shewed thee, O man, 
what is good; and what doth the Lord 
require of thee, but to do justly, 
and to love mercy, 
and to walk humbly with thy God?
Micah 6:8

In the past few weeks, God has allowed
 me to practice this verse MULTIPLE times.

The questions I keep asking myself:

Is why do people feel justified 
to do and say whatever they 
want to others?? 

Who decided that this person is more of a value
to this beautiful Earth God has given us than another?

Does selfish have a black and white definition?

Until last night... 
Romans 7:4-6

My brothers and sisters, when Christ died you also died as far as the 
law is concerned. Then it became possible for you 
to belong to him. He was raised from the 
dead. Now our lives can be useful to God. 
Our sinful nature used to control us. The
 law stirred up sinful longings in our bodies. So the things we did resulted in death.
But now we have died to 
what used to control us. 
We have been set free
 from the law. 
Now we serve in the new way 
of the Holy Spirit. We no longer serve in the old way of the written law.

Last night, as I walk talking through, yet another, instance that God 
allowed me to dawned on me!! 

It is SO easy to do the wrong
choice, action, response, etc,
BUT we have to CHOOSE
to do the right choice, action, response, etc.

Romans 7 goes on to tell us....
15 I don’t understand what I do. I don’t do 
what I want to do. Instead, I do what I hate to do.
16 I do what I don’t want to do. So I agree that the law is good.
17 As it is, I am no longer the one who
does these things. It is sin living in me that does them.
18 I know there is nothing
 good in my sinful nature. I want to do 
what is good, but I can’t. 19 I don’t 
do the good things I want to do. I keep 
on doing the evil things I don’t want to do. 20 I do 
what I don’t want to do. But I am not really 
the one who is doing it. It is sin living in me.
(shew that was a mouthful!! ;) ) 

AND HERE COMES THE BEST PART...stay with me... 

21 Here is the law I find working in me. 
When I want to do good, evil is right there 
with me. 22 Deep inside me I find joy in God’s 
law. 23 But I see another law working in 
the parts of my body. It fights against the law 
of my mind. It makes me a prisoner of 
the law of sin. That 
law controls the parts of my body.
24 What a terrible failure I am! Who will save me 
from this sin that brings death to my body? 25 I give 
thanks to God. He will do it through Jesus Christ our Lord.
So in my mind I am a slave to God’s law. But 
in my sinful nature I am a slave to the law of sin.

I have struggled to handle with 
those who do not seek justice, do not love mercy, 
and do not want to walk humbly with, nor before, thy God.  
My flesh wanted to 'tell them exactly what they needed to hear', but
God reminded me that we are to
seek justice (a concern for justice, peace, and genuine respect for people),
love mercy (compassion or forgiveness shown toward someone whom it is within one's power to punish or harm), 
walk humbly with thy God (to walk proud before/with God says that we are more important than He is--REALLY??!!  He is our CREATOR for goodness sakes!!!). 

People!, we have to repent and realize that the God we will 
stand before someday will judge with 
justice, mercy and humility!! 
To expect anything less would minimize
 and limit who God is--WHO HE REALLY IS!!