Today in our household was another
"It's happened" moment.
We have experienced a lot of first with our first-born, hence, the phrase 'first born' right??
Did I ever think that some of our firsts with him would feel so small and yet be so BIG??
His first night as birthed baby
His first night at home with just his very inexperienced parents
His first day of school
His first time at church camp
His first understanding of who Christ is for himself
His first best friend
His first fight,
(which I might add was to defend a kindergartener)
His first lost tooth get the picture.
I know that when we first get the news that a new life has been
given that life will change every day a little bit or a lot,
but no one prepared us for the
'much later down the road BIG changes'.
Today, as I have already mentioned, our first born experienced
yet another "It's happened" moment...
He got his license to drive - legally!!
I entered the facility cool.
I sat waiting on him to be called for his test - totally sick to my stomach.
I sat waiting for him to return from his test - now shaking.
To then see that amazing smile light up the place with a sense of
accomplishment and doubt....
I motioned with my face 'how did you do'?
His return face response was 'Not sure'.
He got the word that he passed.
We left the place with me holding back tears and him sighing a sigh of relief.
To say that I wish I would have worked all the
years my children were small would never happen!!
To say that I wished I had a prestigious job now would
never happen!!
I would have never been privileged to experience so many BIG and small
"It's happened" moments.
To say that I am SOO very proud of the young
man he has become...
wouldn't even give it justice.