
Thursday, January 5, 2012

Grandma Bonnie (Clark) and old...

As I look around my house I notice a piece
of heritage that was left and 're-made'
for a new use. 

 Before I was born my Grandma Bonnie, my mother's mother, passed away my only 'known'
memories of her are only from what I hear,
which by the way if she is not an angel
right now--she must have been here on earth--
or maybe both?? 
So then my thoughts wonder ....
"Who is most like her?"
"Whose personality is closest to her?"
"Who resembles her the most?" 
 "Who has the stories that are closest to the 'real' her?"  
 "Who can tell me what happened when she got real mad?"
"Who really disciplined the kids?"
"What advice would she give to each one of us 'kids' if she were still alive?"
"What regrets, if any, did she have?"
"What were her brightest moments or memories?"

So back to this 'piece of heritage' that I still keep in my front room...
my only heirloom from her, my own personal memory of her --
An Angel made from her old linens.
My Aunt Cathy chose to embellish these 'old' linens and make them
beautiful...needless to say I could have never imagined an
old pillow case being something so
feminine, delicate, personal, and yet so full of answer I may never have.
When I see the white of the original case,
the soft pink that 'gathers' the hands,
the 'string' of flowers that
can not be found anywhere these days,
and the dust that continues
to collect on it...
I am reminded of so many things, but mostly, I think,
it depicts, in my mind, what I picture when I picture my grandma:
A woman with pure intentions, hands reaching out in love,
 and a gentleness that may never be found again.

So it sounds depressing, but it shouldn't!!!
It should be a challenge to each
one of us to leave a legacy to our grandchildren, that we may never meet, full of
pure intentions, hands reaching out in love, and a gentleness that will only be found right here.