
Thursday, June 7, 2012

Rabbits, Rabbits, and more bunnies??

Last week we received a phone call that a friend of ours,
who knew that we had considered raising rabbits,
was selling their rabbits, hutches, watering pails,
remaining feed, and brooding boxes...and wondered
if we would be interested in purchasing them.

So we loaded up the van to check out the hutches
and rabbits, and before leaving we
paid the owner the asking price.
Two days later--we are making another
trip to pick up 'our purchase'. 

The guys worked very diligently to prepare the area
 that they the rabbits/bunnies would call their
'new home'.  As we left, we left
one doe that due to have bunnies due to the stress
of moving them to be too much. 

We returned to the owner's house to collect the
doe that was due and her new

The whole family...

They are so sweet and so little.
So what is the purpose of adding this to our
'homestead' you may be asking yourself...
As cute as they are they will soon be
nourishment.  Mostly they will
be nourishing the dogs, but I am hoping to
expose my children and family to some

We will let you know how that goes... :)

June 8, 2012

Doe "mommy #3" had babies.  If you look
real close you can see a pink "shade" in the bottom/middle
- still unsure how many. 
Momma is not willing to share them just yet.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Daddy's little girl and Momma's little boy

When does this change?
How does this change?
Does it have to change?

When I moved out of my parent's house, I moved in
with my 'now husband'.
When I moved out of my parent's house, I did
not know how to do laundry-completely.
When I moved out of my parent's house, I did not know
how to cook many things.
I barely knew how to boil water.
When I moved out of my parent's house, I did not know what it
meant to keep a house or raise a family. 
As I prepared to be a wife the week of our wedding,
I know now that I had no idea
what I was getting into.
I had been 'playing' the part of a wife, but still did not
understand what it really meant.
When I brought my son home from the hospital, I did not
know how to change a diaper.
When I brought my daughter home from the hospital,
I did not know how to manage a two
year old and a newborn.

I watch my daughter with her dad and smile
because I see a sense of safety in her eyes and demeanor
that only a girl who has felt that will understand.

When I see my son open doors, offer to help, and find ways
to make himself available--I smile then too,
because I see a young man who is
caring, masculine, and
confident with who he is.

BUT....with all this being said....
As I watch my children becoming young adults I step back and  
wonder if we have done enough to prepare them
for adulthood.

I realize that we have a little time on our hands,
but not near enough when you realize that
their training, or lack thereof, can
be the difference between
whether they are ready....or not.
Is she ready to keep a home and raise a family?
Is he ready to provide for a home and family?

Society is going to tell her that being a
God-fearing wife and mother is not
glorious enough--IT IS!!

Society is going to tell him that being a good-leading,
God-fearing husband and father 
is not masculine enough--IT IS!! 

Are we being diligent enough
to raise young men and women to be ready for the role
God has given them?? 

My prayer is that when my children step into the role God has
given them that they are ready
to meet each day ready for what He has for them,
and that they never stop being
"Daddy's little girl and Momma's little boy" at heart.

I will miss them being
here everyday, but I also know that
what I will be missing is not going to be anchored in
guilt...but rather missing their company, their opinion,
their laughter, their comraderie with each other and
saturated in knowing they are doing
exactly what God has for them.
Daddy's little girl and Momma's little boy

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Grandma Bonnie (Clark) and old...

As I look around my house I notice a piece
of heritage that was left and 're-made'
for a new use. 

 Before I was born my Grandma Bonnie, my mother's mother, passed away my only 'known'
memories of her are only from what I hear,
which by the way if she is not an angel
right now--she must have been here on earth--
or maybe both?? 
So then my thoughts wonder ....
"Who is most like her?"
"Whose personality is closest to her?"
"Who resembles her the most?" 
 "Who has the stories that are closest to the 'real' her?"  
 "Who can tell me what happened when she got real mad?"
"Who really disciplined the kids?"
"What advice would she give to each one of us 'kids' if she were still alive?"
"What regrets, if any, did she have?"
"What were her brightest moments or memories?"

So back to this 'piece of heritage' that I still keep in my front room...
my only heirloom from her, my own personal memory of her --
An Angel made from her old linens.
My Aunt Cathy chose to embellish these 'old' linens and make them
beautiful...needless to say I could have never imagined an
old pillow case being something so
feminine, delicate, personal, and yet so full of answer I may never have.
When I see the white of the original case,
the soft pink that 'gathers' the hands,
the 'string' of flowers that
can not be found anywhere these days,
and the dust that continues
to collect on it...
I am reminded of so many things, but mostly, I think,
it depicts, in my mind, what I picture when I picture my grandma:
A woman with pure intentions, hands reaching out in love,
 and a gentleness that may never be found again.

So it sounds depressing, but it shouldn't!!!
It should be a challenge to each
one of us to leave a legacy to our grandchildren, that we may never meet, full of
pure intentions, hands reaching out in love, and a gentleness that will only be found right here.