The past few weeks I have been thinking about Martha and Mary in scripture.... So here is why:
Martha was so worried when Jesus came to visit that she continued being busy: keeping the house cleaned up, the dishes done, 'cleaning'....and then there is Mary who when Jesus came to visit sat at his feet to just merely 'enjoy his company'. Most of us women are either a "Martha" personality or a "Mary" personality. Why do we have to choose?? Why can't we blend both woman into our lives???

So here is my 'sad excuse' of atempting to weave both woman into my life....
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
We have been outside all day cleaning up the yard and just really enjoying what a beautiful day God has given us. Plus, the fresh air and hard work will not kill any of us...haha :) Caylor has been 'banned' to her room until it gets cleaned to the inspector's "okay" (Lucky I am the inspector-huh?). She finally gets her room 'okayed' and joins us outside. And after being out there a while, she comes up to me and asks if we can have a 'weiny roast' remember I told you that we had been cleaning up the yard - right?? WE had a fire going to burn the yard waste---so what else would we do with it--right?? I told her she needed to ask her dad. Her dad works a lot and we weren't 'ready' I really expected him to say no. In my mind we were having something for supper....just wasn't sure what yet (this is my Martha moment). To my surprise her dad says 'YES'. (here comes a Martha moment) first thought is "I don't even have hot dogs!!! Or buns!!!" I quickly confirm with her dad if if indeed we are having a weiny roast and sure enough--WE ARE!!! So I say, very quickly, "I will be right back--I have to go to the grocery store." (here comes another Martha moment) All the way to the grocery store I am thinking, "but I have already spent all of my grocery budget. Do I go ahead and spend out of our checking acct that will blow our budget?? I am going to have to..."
You see....Martha does not know how to 'be adjustable' or 'just go with the flow and enjoy the moment'.

Chon did ask that we eat inside b/c it was terribly windy...You can see a picture of a 'real hick' kind of picnic/weiny roast.
So here is what I have learned from this weiny roast adventure--I don't have to choose b/n Martha or Mary. If I had chosen to be Marth over Mary---I would have missed the memories of our Hillybilly Weiny Roast. I have added add'l photos below of our weiny roast...hope you enjoy!!