
Thursday, June 24, 2010

"content to receive from God whatever He deems fit for me"

From Joni Erickson-Tada's website/blog:
"our afflictions come from the hand of our all-wise and sovereign God, and although cancer is something new, I am content to receive from God whatever He deems fit for me – even if it is from His left hand (better from His left hand, than no hand at all, right?!). ....utterly convinced that God is going to use this to stretch our faith, brighten our hope, and strengthen our witness to others…"

She is referring to her latest diagnosis of breast cancer.  The statement above is a statement that when i heard it my reaction was, 'I want to do that'.  I want to be able to be content to receive from God whatever He deems fit for me.  In one of my earlier post, I shared that I have often cried out to God to help me be 'healthy again'...but maybe what I need to bring to God's holy throne is guidance on how to learn to be content to receive from God whatever He deems fit for me???  I want that, whatever He gives to me, to be evidenced by the stretching of our faith, brightening our hope, and to strengthen our witness to others--how about you??  

What does learning to be content mean?  By way of definition and the Webster's Dictionary, it means satisfied.  So let's rewrite the above statement like this: I am satisfied to receive from God whatever He deems fit for me...   It reads much differently then doesn't it??  Does the definition fit to your original thought??  Sometimes seeing the definition of a word makes it's meaning much different than how it is being used in a sentence/context. 

Saturday, June 19, 2010


This weekend is my 35th birthday and I can not believe that I made it. :) Don't worry I do not jump out of airplanes, 'play with guns', or take death defying acts birthdays have, in the past, not been good.  I decided after my 27th bday that a celebration for my bday would not happen again. 

I am totally okay with aging.  I have children that I have thoroughly enjoyed watching get older (as I age).  I  have someone who I thoroughly enjoy spending time with (as I age). I know that the someone I thoroughly enjoy spending time with grow old with me, and probably quicker since he is older than me (as I age).  I know that when my children get married, have children, and get older themselves it will be because I am aged.... I am excited about my future or maybe I am excited about the legacy we are leaving.  My husband and I have spent a lot of time and energy changing the course of the 'generational curses' dropped on us....  I was reading a blog a few days ago that read 'this curse stops HERE, in this family, in Jesus’ Name.' that has been my motto.  I may go to my grave 'aged', but not rested....I spend everyday working toward placing stop signs all over the place...  Maybe I have a new prayer...  Dear God--my birthdays are no longer 'just another day on the calendar' as I have referred to it for a long time, but rather a day that celebrates another adoption into your kingdom... Amen.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Setting healthy boundaries in do you do it???  How do you define them??  Why do you do it???  Why do you not do it???  My pastor once told me that dysfunctional people do not and can not understand boundaries, which is what makes them dysfunctional. What a profound statement!!!  Do you understand boundaries??  Do you recognize boundaries??? Do you set boundaries so that you can enjoy the relationships that you have??  There are many relationships that I crave.  There are many relationships, with people who are dysfunctional, that I still crave.  Maybe setting boundaries is not for anyone else but you... Maybe what causes people that need to set boundaries to finally set them is that they finally have a moment of realizing that they are not going to change the very people they are setting the boundaries from.  I don't want to change the world....  I am changing the way that I respond-my only responsibility!!!!

Father's Day

We have all spent a Father's Day at some point in our lives with a guy that is our father  or, in one way or another, been a father figure to us.  Maybe this Father's Day you will be spending it with your dad, maybe you will be spending it with your husband who is seasoned or who is a first time dad, maybe you will be spending this day with your father-in-law, maybe you will be spending this day with your grandpa, maybe you will be spending this day remembering your dad.  It always amazes me that society does not recognize or emphasize nearly enough the impact that fathers have on families and their children.  ARE you a dad???  Do you realize the impact that you have on your children-namely your daughters???  The breakdown in our society, in my opinion, can be linked back to the breakdown in homes.  Don't be afraid to take the special job God gave us as parents very seriously.

Monday, June 14, 2010


When do start counting your blessings???  How do you start counting your blessings???  Do you recognize true blessings??  I used to think that blessing only came to those who deserve them.  What do I think now???  Now I think that blessing are given to everyone.  The sad thing about blessings is that they are much like hindsight...they are only recognizable when looking back.  Why can't blessing be something that is shown or revealed looking in to a situation???  Why???  Because if you could see them going in would you learn the lesson meant to be taught, would you be so willing to be teachable, would they be so sweet, would they make you realize that the growth you have made was well worth and possibly moreso than the lesson. 

Eight years ago this coming weekend something very dear to me was stolen. Something to most people are counted as something that cannot be returned or replaced.  And in that eight years so much more has been given back to me.  It may not be returned or replaced with what was stolen, but something much better.  It was replaced with a mucher larger understanding that God has bigger plans for most of us than what we know.

My heart is still broke, somewhat hard, and will eternally be different.  How do you go back to that moment before your heart is broke???  You don't.  You accept the fact that that moment, like so many, are passed.  Does that stop you from healing??  NO.  It should motivate you to charish every moment to come.  Who do you turn to??  I have spent that past eight years trying very hard to turn to my Lord and Savior....and I have allowed myself to stand in the way.  I find it amusing (almost amusing) that there is a 'support group' for every thinkable and unthinkable heartache...when the best support group is waiting right next you to reach out, help to mend a broken heart, and show you how to heal.  I will not sit here and pretend that I have been perfect at reaching out to my Lord for my support group, and everytime that I think that I need to reach out to 'physical' support groups he reminds me that they will only help air dirty laundry not mend or help me to be healthy again.  He also reminds me that Romans 8:28-29 says that all things work together for those who are called according to his purpose.  To me that says he has an intentional already determined purpose for my life, for my marriage, for my children, and my grandchildren.  Forgiveness is not a pardon.  Forgiveness just means that you leave the judgement to the best judge - a judge that is just.  I thank God that he is that judge and not me.  I would more than likely be too emotional to give the adequate punishment.  He is good like that.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Today....what can we do with today???

Today I asked my children to finish up their reports.  My 13-year-old son will be finishing up his report on 'How snails got their shells', and my 11-year-old daughter is finishing up a report on 'The Great Depression.'  As we were talking about finishing them up it occurred to me that I had not stressed to them that it did not have to be perfect, but rather, finishing to their best ability. 

How many times has God asked us to complete something???  How many times has he asked us to complete something perfectly???  How many times has he patted us on the back and said I am so glad that you finished this 'my good and faithful servant'??? 

Think about today....what can you finish (or complete) and do it as though God is asking you to finish to the best of your ability??? 

Tuesday, June 8, 2010


How many times have you looked into your child's eyes just to reassure them??? How many times have you recognized how special they are??? How many times have you set back and realized how much God must have thought about you to give you such a special job and person??? How many times have you sat back and really taken notice of your child's God-given ability???

Sometimes God gives us just what we need when we need it, and other times he gives us more than we think we can handle to see our reaction. When I look back at times when God has challenged me or stretched me...I also look at how I reacted. Am I changing how I react??? Have I grown to be someone who looks at what God has given me straight in the face and say bring it on??? I don't think that I necessarily say bring it on, but I am more willing to face adverse times with God's help. Learning to trust him has not been easy the past 8-9 years, but completely worth learning how. My all time favorite verse has been Romans 8:28-29. God gave me this verse at a time that made me wonder why he gave it to me...Times were tough, but now I know. He wanted me to appreciate and understand that my plan and his plan is all about glorifying him--no matter how many roadblocks, heartbreaks, tears, disappointment, joy, laughter, smiles come along. Being grateful for all of them is probably the biggest key, but not always easy. All things do work out together for good for those who are called according to his purpose.